Pupil Information Hub
This section provides useful tools and information for pupils. This includes information about improving your health and wellbeing, study support, events and activities and a place to share information about what are pupils do beyond the classroom.
Health and Wellbeing
The Wellbeing Hub - Login - Teentips Wellbeing Hub
Cool 2 Talk - https://cool2talk.org/
Improving sleep - Gateway to good sleep - Sleep Action
Resilience and growth mindset - Resilience and Growth Mindset in this time | Biteable
Healthy Eating - Family Activities - Healthy Eating (google.com)
NHS Inform - Healthy living | NHS inform
Mental wellbeing - Information for 11-18 year olds on looking after your wellbeing - Mind
Physical wellbeing - Children's Health Scotland - Every child has the right to the best possible health (childrenshealthscotland.org)
Study Support
e-sgoil study support - Home Page | e-Sgoil
Managing exam stress - Family Learning (padlet.com)
Study strategies - Family Learning (padlet.com)
Learning and retrieval practice - Optimising Student Success Perth & Kinross Educational Psychology Service (cloud.microsoft)
Achieve - Achieve | Achieve Pupil Support Pack
News and Information from the Pupil Leadership Team
Celebrating life beyond the classroom…