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Perth Grammar School

Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at Perth Grammar School!

Our faculty is comprised of the Home Economics and Physical Education (PE) departments. Across the faculty are ten motivated and hard-working teachers who ensure our pupils enjoy positive and stimulating learning experiences each time they visit us.

All our teachers work together to offer a wide range of experiences and outcomes that will provide our young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Home Economics

Broad General Education (BGE)

S3 Health and Food Technology

S3 Practical Cookery

National 5 Childcare

National 5 Health and Food Technology

National 5 Practical Cookery

Higher Health and Food Technology

Advanced Higher Health and Food Technology

Physical Education

Kit Policy

 PE T-Shirt

We adopt a 100% participation policy here at PGS. We fully expect pupils to attend PE wearing appropriate kit and being prepared to participate in all weathers. In doing so, we ask pupils to wear:

  • T-shirt
  • Shorts/trousers
  • Jumper/waterproof jacket dependent upon weather
  • Change of footwear

Pupils are not allowed to wear football colours and young people with long hair are asked to bring a hair bobble to tie their hair up. Jewellery must also be removed and chewing gum disposed of for health and safety reasons.

It is an expectation that young people come to school in their school uniform, regardless of whether they have PE that day or not. Following each PE lesson, pupils are expected to change back into their school uniform.

If a young person cannot take part in PE, we ask that they come to class with a note from their parent/carer. They will then be expected to take up a non-participant role so they can still access the learning.

Should access to PE kit be an issue for any pupil, we have a supply of PGS kit that is washed and dried in the faculty after every use. Pupils and parents/carers can contact us confidentially for more information.

Broad General Education (BGE)

After consulting staff, parents/carers and our young people, it was agreed that all S1 pupils will develop their performance and knowledge of:


Such learning will take place across 2 periods a week in a broad range of activities within a wide range of facilities.

In S2/3, pupils will then be placed into competition and participation pathways. Such placement is based upon learning conversations between teachers and young people and reflects pupils’ motivations for participation in PE. Upon placement in these groups, teachers and pupils will identify which Significant Aspects of Learning (SAoL) and activities are the best fit for each class.

At A Level example

Regardless of year group, all BGE classes will engage in ongoing self and peer assessment tasks by engaging with pupil friendly benchmarks. They will do this with reference to lesson-by-lesson success criteria and finish the term by completing a short Microsoft Form. Following a learning conversation, pupils will then be assigned a level and given next steps to help improve their performance.

Wider Achievement

Pupils in S1 and S2 can elect to take an additional two periods of PE a week. In this, they can select to do Learning Through Football and Invasion Games.

The Learning Through Football course see’s us partner up with our local club, Jeanfield Swifts. For every 4 periods, pupils receive expert football coaching 75% of the time with the other 25% being a theory-based lesson that looks to develop pupils’ literacy skills. Such tasks include writing persuasive essays on the Greatest Of All Time and conducting scout reports on certain teams of pupils’ choice. Within the practical lessons, a big focus will be placed upon ball mastery and helping develop creative and confident players. As part of this, pupils will develop their spatial awareness and decision making in both individual and team situations.


As part of the invasion games choice, pupils will develop a range of skills and competencies in the following 3 activities:

  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Ultimate Frisbee

In competing in these 3 activities, pupils will develop their agility, hand-eye co-ordination and understanding of attacking and defending principles. This choice is 100% practical in nature and will help pupils’ confidence in secure and comfortable learning environments.

S3 Performance PE

When pupils enter S3, they can elect to take part in Performance PE for an additional 3 periods per week. This course is used to bridge the gap between BGE PE and the National 5 course that our young people sit in the Senior Phase.

This course is fully practical and involves pupils learning about the impact 4 different factors can have on performance (FIP) in several activities. Whilst learning about these factors, pupils will go through the Cycle of Analysis.

Alongside this, there is a large focus on skill development in preparation for the National 5 course. In this, pupils will develop a broad skill repertoire and have more control in their practical performances.

In completing both the FIP and performance sections of the course, pupils can bank a National 3 award prior to moving into S4.

National 5 PE

The National 5 course see’s pupils be assessed in two areas:

  1. Portfolio (50%)
  2. Performance (50%)

The portfolio is sat throughout the year and is a chance for our young people to show their knowledge on an ongoing basis. The portfolio has 3 main areas, and it builds upon the content introduced in S3 Performance as pupils learn about the 4 factors and how 2 of them can be taken through the Cycle of Analysis.

  • SECTION 1: explain how the 4 factors of Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical can impact performance. This is sat under closed book conditions.
  • SECTION 2: take 2 of these factors and investigate if they are strengths or weaknesses. From there, create a programme and implement it to improve. This is sat under open-book conditions.
  • SECTION 3: monitor progress in the 2 selected factors and evaluate if the programme was successful in improving performance. Similarly to Section 2, this is sat under open-book conditions.

In the performance component of the course, pupils must complete a 1-off performance in an activity (prior to COVID-19, it was 2 activities) of their choice. The result obtained is based upon how the pupil performs on the day in this event. We provide our young people with personalisation and choice here as they are allowed to select their strongest activity, even if it is one completed outside of school. In such situations, we ask our pupils to bring in a recording of their performance for our teachers to mark.

The 1-off performance is scored out of 30 and is broken down into the following areas.

Throughout the year, our teachers will provide further learning opportunities for pupils by running study support sessions as well as hosting a variety of extra-curricular clubs for pupils to improve their practical performance.

Useful website:

Higher PE

The Higher course see’s pupils be assessed in 2 areas:

  1. Exam (50%)
  2. Performance (50%)

The end of year exam is an opportunity for young people to demonstrate the knowledge they have accrued throughout the course. Building upon work done earlier in the pathway, the Higher exam tests knowledge on the 4 factors impacting performance and how any of these factors can be affected during the Cycle of Analysis.

The exam is split into the 3 following sections:

  1. Section 1 is out of 32 marks and pupils can be assessed on any area of the course in relation to the 4 factors.
  2. Section 2 can be between 6 and 10 marks and will relate to performance development plans for 2 factors.
  3. Section 3 can be between 8 and 12 marks and will be in the form of a scenario to challenge pupils’ problem solving and higher-order thinking skills in 2 factors.


As well as having the underpinning knowledge, it is very important that pupils are aware of the command words. These command words dictate how an answer should be structured and having such an awareness will help young people know how to shape their content in relation to the question. Pupils can access different command word strategies by visiting

Similarly to National 5, the performance component of the Higher PE course comes in the form of a 1-off performance; how they perform on the day leads to their score out of 30 marks. Again, our young people are provided with personalisation and choice as they can identify and request to be assessed in their strongest activity. Again, pupils can be assessed in an activity outside of school by bringing in a recording of a performance in a competitive situation. Prior to the interruption of school calendars, pupils had to be assessed in 2 different activities however the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this to 1 activity. This may change again in the future. Regardless, young people are assessed in the following areas:

Throughout the year, our teachers will run a variety of study support and extra practical sessions for Higher PE pupils to further improve both their knowledge and performance. More information can be found on this by coming to see us in the faculty and/or by keeping an eye on the PGS Pupil Bulletin.

Useful websites:

Advanced Higher PE

The main purpose of the Course is to research and analyse factors which underpin and impact on performance and use this knowledge to develop their own performance or that of another’s performance. The course allows learners to engage in research and undertake independent investigative work, and develop skills of analysis, evaluation, and communication.

To access the AHPE course it would be preferable that a young person has a chosen sport which they are competing/training in or would consider joining a school team/activity to develop performance and understanding.



Component 1: Performance: 30 marks

The purpose of this component is to assess the pupils’ ability to effectively perform in one physical activity.

The performance is a single event in a challenging, competitive and/or demanding context. This gives pupils an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:

  • A repertoire of skills — including complex skills
  • Control and fluency
  • Effective decision-making
  • Using and applying straightforward composition, tactics or role safely and effectively
  • Conforming to rules, regulations and etiquette
  • Controlling emotions
  • Working co-operatively with others

Component 2 - Project – 70% of overall grade

The project assesses pupils’ ability to integrate and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of the factors that impact on performance.

The project has 70 marks out of a total of 100 marks for the course assessment.

The project assesses candidates’ research and investigation skills, as well as their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to performance development. Candidates research a topic that has an impact on either their performance or the performance of another person, team or group.

The project gives pupils the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate independent research and investigation skills
  • Investigate how factors impact on performance
  • Understand and apply approaches to develop performance
  • Analyse and evaluate the process of performance development

Level 5 Community Sports Leader Award (CSLA)

Level 5 Qualification in Community Sports Leadership


This Level 5 Qualification will develop your sports leadership skills through practical and theory class work. The following fives units are to be successfully completed to gain the full qualification:


Unit 1 – Building leadership skills

Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions

Unit 3 – Assist in planning and leading a sports/physical activity event

Unit 4 – Lead activities which promote a healthy lifestyle

Unit 5 – Lead sport/physical activity sessions in your community


You will lead physical activities for peers, help with extra-curricular clubs and deliver sports sessions in a local primary school.


Once qualified, you will be able to

  • Lead safe, purposeful and enjoyable sport/physical activity under indirect supervision (once aged 16).
  • Understand different types of sports/physical activity events.
  • Be able to assist in the planning/delivery of a sport/physical activity event.
  • Be able to evaluate a sport/physical activity event.
  • Deliver a sport/physical activity session under direct supervision.


This link has more detailed information:

Level 6 Exercise and Fitness Leadership

This National Progression Award at SCQF Level 6 (equivalent to a Higher) will improve your skills and knowledge relating to sport and fitness.  You will be introduced to the rationale behind the use of circuit, cardiovascular and fixed weight training techniques, and equipment used in each exercise type.  You will also develop safe and effective practical skills in these areas.

What you will experience

There are five units available, three of which must be completed to achieve the NPA.  For some of the units, teamwork will be involved, but all candidates must play a full part as it is the work/contribution of each individual that will be assessed.  The units are designed to underpin the knowledge and skills required by employers, and are closely linked to the National Occupational Standards for each of the subject areas covered in the units.  Units are as follows:

  • Exercise and Fitness: Cardiovascular Training
  • Exercise and Fitness: Fixed Weight Training
  • Exercise and Fitness: Circuit Training

The course is designed to enhance your interest in exercise and fitness training, improve personal performance, develop reflective learning, and aid progression to further study of the subject.  During the course you will learn:

  • The main physiological effects of different types of training on the body
  • How to personalise training for selected clients
  • How to identify advantages and disadvantages of a range of training methods