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Perth Grammar School


A quiet research and work area, the Library is an important and integral part of Perth Grammar School. The Library supports the teaching and learning of all pupils and aims to develop lifelong independent learners. 


The staff, Ms. Donaldson and Miss Steer aim to provide a supportive library environment for formal and informal learning.  

In addition to a wide range of regularly updated fiction and non-fiction titles and access to online reference material, we have 10 networked PCs which are available for individual study or class use and laptops available for Senior pupils to use during study periods.



Library Environment

The Library is open to all staff and pupils for work and study. Ask the Library staff for help and guidance on finding books and locating resources- we are here to help.

Help us make the Library a pleasant environment for everyone to use by:

  • Keeping the noise down: quiet talking only
  • Have all mobile devices switched to silent
  • No food or drink- except water


  • You are responsible for all books you borrow
  • Return/renew your books on time
  • Computers are used for study/homework only
  • Ask before printing


Pupils and staff are encouraged to borrow books for reading at home for pleasure as well as for use in their class work. 

Opening Hours:

Monday - Wednesday 8.30am - 4.00pm Term time only

Thursday - Friday 8.50am - 3.40pm Term Time only

(We are closed for the first 30 minutes of lunch hour)  


Remember- reading can seriously improve your mind so get your head into a book today.